Danielle Celerier  (lundi 18 mai)

Hello everybody!
Iam sorry I haven't been in touch for a long time because I   had some computer problems but everything is back to normal now.
I hope you have been able to bear the lockdown without problems and find the sites I suggested useful.
Here are some exercises to be chosen according  to your level.
I'll give you the answers next week meanwhile enjoy the sunshine but don't forget to be careful....
                           Best regards

Famous people

Jennifer Ariston:TV and film actress,famous for her role in the TV series friends.
Jim Carrey: film actor.Films include The Mask and The Truman Show.
Johnny Depp: film actor.Films include Edward Scissorhands and Pirates of the Caribbean.
Michael Douglas:film actor.Films include Forrest Gump  and Saving Private Ryan.
Madonna: singer/ songwriter/ actress.The best female recording artist of all time.
Brad Pitt: film actor.Films include Ocean's  Eleven  and  Troy.
Julia Roberts: film actress.Films include Pretty Woman and Notting Hill.
Steven Spilberg: film director/ producer.Films include Jaws, ET , Schindler's list, Jurassic Park.
Quentin Tarentino: film director / producer/ actor.Films include Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill.

Useful vocabulary:
an "attendant" is a general word for a person who works in a particular place(a cinema, a petrol station,etc..) and helps members of the public.
a "limousine" is a very large,expensive and comfortable car -usually for a rich or famous person-

Grammar point:
In English always use "a" or "an" before jobs." A"before a consonant sound and "an" before a vowel sound .: a pilot, a teacher, a dentist but an artist, an electrician,an accountant, an engineer.

If you feel like it you can do the following quiz,it's up to you!

              Vous propose....e
"Hello everybody, hope you are keeping well and enjoying the post-lockdown life, despite the cloudy weather.
Please find attached some work and suggestions for research to help you keep in touch with English.
You may already have received this work by email.
All the Best, Julien"

PRACTISE / Writing emails

1) Translate the following correspondence expressions into English:
     a. Veuillez trouver ci-joint :
     b. Je vous serais reconnaissant :
     c. Dans les meilleurs délais :
     d. Pièce jointe :
     e. Nous serions ravis :
     f. Si vous avez des questions : (with another word for «questions») :
     g. Dans l’attente de reçevoir de vos nouvelles :
     h. Cordialement :
     i. Je vous prie, madame, monsieur, de reçevoir mes sentiments les plus distingués (NB in two words!) :

2) Complete the following email using the vocabulary below:
______________ Sir or Madam
I am ______________ in ______________ to your ______________ about our website design service. Please find ______________ a description of our services and a price list. You can see what we do in the  _____________ . If you have any any  _____________ just email us or give us a  _____________ on the number above. Our staff will be  _____________to help you.
We look  _____________ to  _____________ from you,
Best  _____________
                                                                 J. Dupont

(attached - forward - reply - enquiry - Regards - delighted - hearing - attachment - writing - Dear - enquiries - ring)

UTL MAY 2020: a Couple of Quizes to keep you on your toes


       QUIZ 1: A. IRISH LIFE
What or who is the «Guarda», and how is the word pronounced?
What does «Good Craic» mean?
What is Ireland’s second city? And the Republic’s?
What national catastrophe occurred in the late 1840’s?
Is Ulster the same as Northern Ireland - explain.
Killarney and Tralee are in which county?
Dublin is near the coast of which sea?
1916 was the big centenary of which historical event?
Music: what is a «fiddle?»
What is the GAA? What are the two big activities?
What are «Jameson’s» and «Bushmills»?
If you ask for a «glass» of Guinness, do you get a big one or a small one?
Name 3 Irish rock or pop bands.
Name 3 Irish writers.

VOCABULARY - Health / Directions / Academic life:
Give the English for:
Un rhume: «a C...............»
Mal de dent: «T...............»
Une toux: «a C...............»
Une cheville tordue: «a Sp........ A.......»
Des boutons: UK: «S................»        US: «Z..........»

Un croisement: «a C...............»
Des feux rouges: «T........ L.......»
«allez tout droit»: «G.... S....... A....»
«vous ne pouvez pas le rater!»: «Y...... C...... M.....I....»
Un passage pieton: «a P........C.......»

Obligatoire = obligatory or «M...............»
En option = optional or «E................»
Emploi de temps: UK «T..............», US «S...............»
Atelier de formation: «T.......... W..............»
Un professeur de faculté: «a L................»
Une formation: «a C...............»


Hello everybody!

I have managed to set up the different lists in order to send you some games,quizzes etc... to help you with English. I will give you the answers next week.
 I have found a few sites which might be of interest.
First select your level and choose an activity (grammar, pronunciation..):
-anglais facile.com
-BBC learning English (intermediate, lower-intermediate,advanced learners )
For beginners, if you want to hear the language you can listen to your DVD and revise your previous lessons.
I hope all of you are well and not too bored with your free time
Do not forget :
- Stay at home
- Wash your hands
- Keep your distance
And ....one day we will meet again!!!!

When you reply it would help if you put your name ,the day and the time you usally attend the class

Best regards

mercredi 22 avril





Catherine O' Meara is said to have written the poem. It's a poem of hope for the  better

Useful vocabulary :
to heal : guérir  -  to grieve : faire de la peine timeless : intemporel
1868 : the smallpox (variole)

1919 : the Spanish flu (grippe espagnole)

"less" est un suffixe privatif (nom + less)

     ex : homeless, restless, careless.

Son opposé est "ful" ex : useful, careful


              Vous propose....
Hello everybody
just in case you dIdn't get the message by email,  I am contacting you again in order to point you in the direction of some useful / interesting websites etc so you can continue your English: 
The Guardian / The Week: excellent news and culture sites, though not adapted to learners specifically.
Useful English study sites: don't forget to type in your level, then choose your activity:
Engvid (English teachers on film...very useful)
BBC Learning English : useful videos of all types, stories, grammar, pronunciation
British Council Learn English: " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 
Breaking News English: press reports adapted to English learners, with vocab and exercises.
Hope you are all keeping well and safe. I will send you some more stuff soon.
"Happy Lockdown"!
Best Regards

Françoise ISAAC (mardi 24 mars 2020)

Hello, is this text found àn the Internet too difficult to translate ? No, it's a good idea for the English class on wednesday's afternoon from 4 to 5 p.m., with our favourite teacher Dany. See you !
"As you move through these changing times...be easy on yourself and be easy on one another. You are at the beginning of something new. You are learning a new way of being. You will find that you are working less in the Yang modes that you are used to.
You will stop working so hard at getting from point A to point B the way you have in the past, but instead, will spend more time experiencing yourself in the whole, and your place in it.
Instead of travelling to a goal out there, you will voyage deeper into yourself. Your mother's grandmother knew how to do this. Your ancestors from long ago knew to do this. They knew the power of the feminine principle...and because you carry their DNA in your body, this wisdom and this way of being is within you.
Call on it. Call it up. Invite your ancestors in. As the Yang based habits and the decaying institutions on our planet begin to crumble, look up.
A breeze is stirring. Feel the sun on your wings"

Source : message from the council of 13 indigenous Grandmothers. 21 mars 2020 Ian SANDERS.